7 Things to Stop Caring About


It seems like the older we get the smaller our circle is and most importantly- the less we give a flying bleep. The less we care, the more our peace of mind becomes our priority. I mean, c’mon. Life’s not always going to be sunshine and rainbows. It’s the inevitable, but it doesn’t always have to be so complicated. About a month ago, I made a list of things that I stopped caring about and embraced the things that I do. I’m sure that some can relate to one or all of them.

Before I jump into the laundry list, let it be clear that this list is in no way a deliberately intended offense. If there is something on the list that you are passionate about, great! Don’t take it to heart. This is just an overly opinionated, non-fact based, personal list of things that I’ve noticed makes [my] life easier. Share if you can relate!

1. What Other People Think

People are going to think what they want to think. It’s not your problem if they don’t think highly of you. If they don’t want to take the time to get to know the real you, it’s time to give no more bleeps.

2. What Other People Do

Everyone comes from a different walk of life. What someone decides to do (unless it’s dangerous or harmful in any way) should not be your concern. Keep your public doings limited and in your control. That way you won’t have time to care about others’ activities.

3. What Other People Say About You

Said people are usually also the non-self-business-minders (yes, I just made that up). In other words, they mind everybody’s business but their own! They definitely exist and they’re usually one of the closest people to you. If you have any doubt that they cannot be confided, let it go.

4. Keeping Up with the Jones’

Someone out there will always be better than you at something, smarter than you, wealthier than you, prettier than you etc. Just embrace who you are and always work to be a better YOU.

5. Appearances & Possessions

Appearances aren’t everything! For instance, some of the wealthiest people wear regular clothes like you and I. Don’t get me wrong, it feels great to have nice things, but it feels greater to have investments. Some of the most put-together looking people aren’t always so “put-together.” Some of them are falling apart at the seams…they’re just great at making it look like they have a particular status. Live in your means, and stop caring about what others have.

6. How Others Parent Their Children vs. How You Parent Yours

There is no textbook guide to teach us how to be a great parent. Again, some parents always look like they are put-together…sane, even! They almost always have something to say about the way you raise your child(ren). Nevertheless, parents get tired- that’s a FACT. Unless the “parent expert” is offering you the assistance that you need, just stop caring about the useless advice and watch your world get a little brighter.

7. Others’ Accomplishments

Every person on this earth is different. Some do things in different orders. There is no textbook correct way to live life. Can you imagine if there was? Some people have children before they’re married. Some don’t have college degrees, some choose not to have children. Others choose not to get married. Stop caring about what the next person has done and make the most of your life at your own pace!