Motivational Quote about Children

Life’s Little Moments

Capturing life’s moments has always been a fun hobby for me. I love to look back at memories and relish in the feelings I had from a photographed memory. Gifted with my first DSLR camera, I was inspired to pick up photography when my first born was only a few months old. I tinkered with it, but didn’t tap into my interest until my third and last was born in 2017. We knew this would be our last baby so I captured every moment that I could. They grow so fast. In an effort to momentarily stop time, I enhanced my amateurish abilities by taking as many snapshots as I could which further led to a small client base. Take a look at some of my favorite shots that I’ve taken of friends, family, and clients over the past year! 

For info, tips, & tricks I use to get great shots with little effort, subscribe or contact me here!