Photo of wrapped gift boxes and Quote

Pay It Forward Challenge!

Hi! Thanks for stopping by!

Today is one of my favorite days! (No, not Mondays) It’s giveaway day! In honor of the upcoming holidays, relaunching my shop and blog, I have decided to play a Pay It Forward challenge!

Last Saturday afternoon, DH (dear husband) and I took the kids on a lunch date to our favorite local breakfast cafe. Two young ladies, who fairly arrived before we did were seated as we were walking in. Since we are a family of five, we usually have to wait for seating and we’re totally okay with waiting. The waitress arranged for the two ladies to sit at another table just to accommodate us so that we wouldn’t have to wait for seating and the ladies moved without any hesitation. It touched us, because they really didn’t have to do that so DH offered to pay for their meal. I feel the perfect way to kick off the Holidays is to bless someone when you’ve been blessed. DH inspired me to play a pay it forward challenge to encourage more giving and spreading love in what seems to be a troubling world. So I’ll start! I love love love Starbucks! With help from my DH, I’ve racked up some free food/drink coupons with my gold member status! From today until Christmas, I am going to use my coupons to pay for the customer behind me in line and hopefully make their day brighter. Who doesn’t love free Starbucks?!

I’m challenging all of my friends to join me in paying it forward by paying for the person behind you in line at a restaurant, grocery store, or gas station. Then encourage them to do the same! Record a video with #929payingitforward, tag NineTwoNineCo on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, and you will be entered into a sweepstakes to win a Starbucks e-gift card and a free personalized ornament from my shop!

What are you waiting for?! Let’s play!