Hi! Thanks for stopping by! Sorry for the delay (if you consider 5 months a delay)! We got some unexpectedly good news a few months ago! Our family is growing by two feet! On top of the good news, juggling the Etsy shop, and being a mommy to two toddlers, we had to take a little break but we’re back and ready for more DIY projects! Today’s adventure is making a vision board!
I am a visual learner (turn left at the McDonald’s type of gal) and as of late my goals have been scattered in random places. What better way to get your goals and aspirations organized than a board? None that I can think of. Let’s start with what a vision board is why it’s important to have one.
A vision board is a map of goals to help motivate achievement and success. Though the outcome hardly ever goes as planned, the board (like an elementary class calendar) is designed to visually remind you of your goals. I’ve read that physically seeing your goals in front of you helps to keep your vision in the front of your mind, allowing a higher rate of success.
How to make a vision board:
Start with a board (poster, cork, or dry erase) I am using a cork board that I got from here.
My board came framed, with an oak finish (kind of 80s-90s right?) and I didn’t like it so I painted it!
Ask yourself about what’s most important to you- family, faith, finance, career, travel, relationships, etc. Map out the most important long and short term goals. Then, use pictures, quotes, magazine clippings, frames, and other trinkets to create your board! Use push pins, glue, & washi tape to attach items to your board. I made a draft while waiting for my board to be delivered:
The only thing I expect (aside from achieving goals as much as I possibly can) is the unexpected. Change is constant, and will always happen. The vision board is a tool with the following purposes: to adjust, reconstruct, and maybe even completely revise your goal as you walk your journey. The beauty in this project (and my absolute favorite thing about it) is that it is entirely tailored to you and your life. Make it happen!
I wanted mine to have clear cut goals with images to reflect the forefront of my vision along with simple quotes to remind me to never give up.
Check out my board and show me yours!